The principle is quite simple
Membrane technology has
become a dignified separation technology over the past decennia. The main force
of membrane technology is the fact that it works without the addition of
chemicals, with a relatively low energy use and easy and well-arranged process
Membrane technology is a generic term for a number of different, very
characteristic separation processes. These processes are of the same kind,
because in each of them a membrane is used. Membranes are used more and more
often for the creation of process water from groundwater, surface water or
wastewater. Membranes are now competitive for conventional techniques. The
membrane separation process is based on the presence of semi permeable
The principle is quite simple: the membrane acts as a very specific filter that
will let water flow through, while it catches suspended solids and other
There are various methods to enable substances to penetrate a membrane.
Examples of these methods are the applications of high pressure, the
maintenance of a concentration gradient on both sides of the membrane and the
introduction of an electric potential.